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Tutorial 2: DoD - Components

  • CBD
  • DTRA
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Chemical and Biological Defense (CBD)

The Chemical and Biological Defense, or CBD, program was established by the Department of Defense (DoD) in 1994 to provide state-of-the-art defense capabilities to allow U.S. military forces to operate and successfully complete missions in chemical and biological warfare environments.

The overall objective of the CBD Small Business Innovation Research [SBIR] program is to elicit innovative solutions from the small business community that can address chemical and biological defense technology gaps confronting DoD and to include technologies that will also have high commercialization potential in the private sector. Technologies developed under the SBIR program have the potential to transition to the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense, or JPEO-CBD, if the appropriate level of technology maturity has been demonstrated.

The CBD SBIR program is one of the 12 components within DoD and is often confused with DTRA, or the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. However, the CBD and DTRA programs are separate programs, each with a separate budget and a separate program manager.

The CBD SBIR Program targets technology efforts that maximize a strong defense posture in a biological or chemical environment using passive and active means as deterrents. SBIR topics are developed in the following program areas to address both chemical and biological threats. These include:

  • Detection and Identification
  • Protection
  • Decontamination
  • Medical Technologies
  • Diagnostics and Disease Surveillance
  • Information Systems

CBD participates in both the SBIR program and the STTR program. The programs fund a large and diverse array of topic areas and technical disciplines including: detectors and sensors, medical pre-treatment, therapeutics, and diagnostics; decontamination and protection; bioinformatics and data analysis systems; proteomics, molecular biology, drug development, and many more.The Annual Chemical and Biological Defense Science and Technology Conference is a great place to learn more about CBD S&T priorities. A number of short videos from the 2017 conference are highlighted in the Links section of this Tutorial.

CBD participates in both the SBIR and STTR programs. These programs fund a large and diverse array of topic areas and technical disciplines including: detectors and sensors; medical pre-treatment, therapeutics, and diagnostics; decontamination and protection; bioinformatics and data analysis systems; soldier support, health and performance; proteomics; molecular biology; drug development; and many more.

The maximum dollar value for a Phase I award is $150,000 for up to 6 months of work. CBD no longer includes an option period as part of Phase I projects. CBD provides three opportunities annually for Phase I awardees to submit a Phase II proposal and encourages Phase I awardees to defer Phase II proposal submission until at least the fifth month of the Phase I period of performance. The total SBIR funding available for Phase II is $1 million over two years.

Approximately one in ten Phase I proposals are selected for contract award with approximately two proposals selected for each topic. Approximately 50% of Phase I awardees receive a Phase II contract.

To learn more about the CBD SBIR and STTR programs, please reach out to Larry Pollack, the CBD SBIR Program Manager.

Course 2 Tutorial 2:


(1) True or False? The CBD and DTRA programs each have a separate SBIR program manager.

(2) Which two DoD SBIR programs are inappropriately believed to have a combined budget?

(3) True or False? CBD does not have an STTR program.

(4) The typical award rate for CBD Phase I SBIR is:

(5) True/False? Technologies developed under the CBD SBIR program are meant to address defense technology gaps, and are not meant to be commercialized in the private sector.

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