You must respond to a funding solicitation from a particular agency, because the SBIR/STTR programs do not accept "unsolicited" proposals (a proposal that does not address a topic specified in a currently open agency SBIR/STTR solicitation). Solicitations are known by many names including Request for Proposals (RFP), Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), or simply Solicitation. No matter what it's called, this document provides the rules and guidance on how to prepare a response, also called an application or a proposal. Solicitation documents include Proposal Preparation Instructions, Application and Submission guidance, and Evaluation criteria. They typically include the specific topic areas of interest as well.
To browse through current topic areas of interest, which topics are coming up, and what topics were of interest in the past across all participating agencies, search Topic Areas. Keep in mind that some agencies have solicitations that accept proposals in broad research areas related to the agency’s mission and are not limited to a specific list of pre-determined topics.
Participating Agencies post SBIR/STTR funding opportunities on a regular periodic basis throughout the year. Some agencies have multiple solicitations throughout the year, while others may only have one solicitation release each year. Once you identify a relevant agency to target, learn more about that specific agency's process.
While there are core parts of solicitations that are the same across the SBIR/STTR programs, solicitation guidelines are quite different at different agencies, especially between agencies that provide awards as grants and those that use contracts. The solicitations and topics listed on this site are copies from agencies to be used for general planning purposes, but they may not be the most up-to-date.
For these reasons, you should visit the agency SBIR program sites to read the official version of the solicitations and download the appropriate forms and rules.
Schedule: Phase I
* Agencies with multiple Phase I solicitations within a Fiscal Year include DOD(3), HHS(4), NSF (4), DOE(3), and DOC(2).
* Phase I Solicitation dates with a MMM-DD-YYYY are actuals; dates with a MMM-YYYY are estimated based upon an agency's past solicitations.
Department of Defense |
24.2 and 24.B BAA |
Apr-17-2024 |
May-15-2024 |
Jun-12-2024 |
24.3 and 24.C BAA |
Aug-21-2024 |
Sep-18-2024 |
Oct-16-2024 |
24.4 and 24.D BAA |
Multiple Dates |
Multiple Dates |
Department of Health and Human Services |
NIH Standard Due Dates |
Multiple Dates |
Multiple Dates |
National Science Foundation |
Submission Windows |
Jul-2024 |
Nov-2024 |
Department of Agriculture |
Phase I |
Jul-2024 |
Sep-2024 |
Department of Commerce |
Oct-2024 |
Dec-2024 |
Mar-2024 |
May-2024 |
Department of Homeland Security |
24.1 |
Nov-2023 |
Dec-2023 |
Jan-2024 |
ED |
Department of Education |
SBIR Phase I RFP |
Jan-2023 |
Mar-2024 |
Department of Energy |
Phase I Release 1 |
Jul-2024 |
Aug-2024 |
Oct-2024 |
Phase I Release 2 |
Nov-2023 |
Dec-2023 |
Feb-2024 |
Multiple Dates |
Multiple Dates |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
Jan-2024 |
Mar-2024 |
Department of Transportation |
24SBIR1 |
Feb-2024 |
Mar-2024 |
Environmental Protection Agency |
Phase I Solicitation |
Jun-2024 |
Aug-2024 |
*Table last updated on 01-22-2024.