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Adding Communications Mode Capability in the Periscope Detection Radar (PDR)
Title: Director of Radar Program
Phone: (703) 956-6480
Title: Technical Point of Contact
Phone: (202) 781-2976
Effective communications and data sharing between the platforms in a Carrier Strike Group (CSG) are critical for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), force protection, and situational awareness. The data links to convey this information must have low latency and high reliability. An effective communications architecture should employ multiple paths for critical ASW data to mitigate against limitations in any one communications system. Many platforms employ one or more radar systems that could be leveraged for this purpose. Utilizing an existing radar for communications could lead to lower lifecycle cost since much of the hardware can be reused or shared. Also, with ship space at a premium, in many cases adding another antenna specifically for a communications system simply may not be feasible. This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) effort focuses on the development of a low-cost, real-time network for sharing the ASW Common Tactical Picture (CTP) using a high-power, high-bandwidth radar with excess duty cycle as a broadcast transmitter and a low-cost digital receiver system that can be installed on receiving platforms. The transmitting radar propagates ASW CTP elements automatically to other platforms for prosecution.
* Information listed above is at the time of submission. *