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3 Phoenix, Inc.

Company Information
14585 Avion Pwy Suite 200
Chantilly, VA -
United States



# of Employees: 178

Ownership Information

HUBZone Owned: No

Socially and Economically Disadvantaged: No

Woman Owned: No

Award Charts

Award Listing

  1. Distributed Sensor System Innovations

    Amount: $99,854.00

    The primary objective of this Phase I SBIR is to develop cost effective distributed sensor systems which will enable the Navy to reduce the total costs of ownership while achieving system performance ...

    SBIRPhase I2007Department of Defense Navy
  2. Vector Sensor Array for Torpedo Defense

    Amount: $492,655.00

    For successful surveillance applications, targets must be detected, classified and accurately localized. Unambiguous localization is important for successful situational awareness and critical for sh ...

    STTRPhase II2007Department of Defense Navy
  3. Platform routing and data fusion technologies for Cooperative ISR

    Amount: $99,865.00

    In order for collaborative Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) to become a viable mission for an ever-expanding heterogonous UAV fleet, UAV autonomy must achieve autonomy level four ( ...

    STTRPhase I2007Department of Defense Air Force
  4. Non-Plane-Wave Noise Source Localization in Very Shallow Water

    Amount: $899,953.00

    Spatial processing for Navy arrays has been designed in nearly all cases based on the a horizontally propagating plane wave model, the underlying assumption being that energy arrives from far field ta ...

    STTRPhase II2006Department of Defense Navy
  5. Wireless Sensing for Survivable Machinery Control

    Amount: $485,630.00

    Among the Navy’s goals for new ship construction in the 21st century are to achieve cost savings in ship installation, to increase survivability of the vital communications infrastructure, and to en ...

    STTRPhase II2006Department of Defense Navy
  6. Plug-and-Play Structures for Satellite Applications

    Amount: $99,920.00

    The concept of a plug-and-play (PnP) deployable structure intended for configuration, verification and check-out, and deployment presents large challenges in meeting short duration cycling requirement ...

    SBIRPhase I2006Department of Defense Air Force
  7. Power Harvesting for Encrypted Wireless Sensor Clusters

    Amount: $69,954.00

    Among the Navy’s goals for new ship construction are to achieve cost savings in ship installation, to increase survivability of the vital communications infrastructure, and to enable manning reducti ...

    STTRPhase I2006Department of Defense Navy
  8. Techniques for Automatically Exploiting Passive Acoustic Sonar Data

    Amount: $99,811.00

    The current passive anti-submarine warfare (ASW) sonar processing paradigm is manpower-intensive, and relies heavily on expert operators to perform the classification function. 3 Phoenix proposes to ...

    SBIRPhase I2006Department of Defense Navy
  9. GPON Based Real Time Synchronization and Fusion Technology

    Amount: $3,482,480.00

    This effort is focused on the problem of acquiring data from disparate sensors, time synchronizing the data, fusing data from various different sources and sensors, and providing bi-directional commun ...

    SBIRPhase II2005Department of Defense Navy
  10. Wireless Sensing for Survivable Machinery Control

    Amount: $99,973.00

    The opportunity presented is to develop a robust innovative shipboard wireless network architecture capable of communication among "intelligent" components within a machinery control system. Signific ...

    STTRPhase I2005Department of Defense Navy
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