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Spread Spectrum Techniques for Sonar Ping Technology
Title: Business Area Director
Phone: (919) 562-5333
Title: Director of Contracts
Phone: (703) 956-6480
The operational need for the Non-Traditional Sensor System (NTSS) technology insertion initiative addresses the need to improve detection of quiet threat submarines in both shallow and deep water environments, and represents a critical submarine capability enhancement. The primary goal is to mature the NTSS design under this SBIR and to ultimately integrated into NTSS capability into US Navy submarines, including refits, new construction and new design programs. The Phase II/II.5 effort leverages technologies developed under the Phase I and applies these technologies by identifying an effective set of system parameters for improved performance and clandestine active area surveillance. Optimal NTSS system performance requires a balance of bandwidth and ping duration at a high source level while maintaining as much covertness as possible. The Phase I technology has the potential to increase detection ranges. During Phase II/II.5, the team will focus on analyzing and optimizing the sonar parameters for the NTSS system based on the concepts developed in Phase I. The goal of Phase II/II.5 is to demonstrate improved operational performance of the NTSS prototype at sea.
* Information listed above is at the time of submission. *