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Not Available During missions, Army personnel are confronted with a large number of foreign- language documents, only some of which may contain important information. Army personnel need to quickly assess in English the relevant contents of the document, so that further processing of the document (for example, by human translators) can be initiated as needed. We propose the new concept of Translingual Information Access (TransIA), which will provide an integrated use of portable information extraction (PIE), Translingual text generation (TTG), and incremental summarization (IS) technologies. The PIE component will be easily portable to new event types. The TTG component will provide summaries of the results of information extraction, using COTS machine translation for extracted phrases. The IS component will allow for incremental, query-sensitive summarization of the entire source text. Using these integrated TransIA technologies, Army personnel will be able to explore the document as needed and make an informed decision about further processing. BENEFITS: Translingual Information Access is an innovative concept that integrates emerging natural language processing technologies to address the problem of multilingual document triage. The approach represents a major advance over existing practice, and has the potential to support myriad military and commercial uses.
* Information listed above is at the time of submission. *