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Landing Gear Model K

Award Information
Agency: Department of Defense
Branch: Air Force
Contract: FA8222-22-C-2501
Agency Tracking Number: F2-9904
Amount: $586,023.04
Phase: Phase II
Program: SBIR
Solicitation Topic Code: AF161-018
Solicitation Number: 16.1
Solicitation Year: 2016
Award Year: 2022
Award Start Date (Proposal Award Date): 2022-06-14
Award End Date (Contract End Date): 2023-06-08
Small Business Information
1544 N. Woodland Park Drive STE #310
Layton, UT 84041-1111
United States
DUNS: 001643159
HUBZone Owned: No
Woman Owned: No
Socially and Economically Disadvantaged: No
Principal Investigator
 Ben Griffiths
 (801) 528-5175
Business Contact
 Rene Parker
Phone: (801) 528-5181
Research Institution

Landing gear manufacturing and overhaul/maintenance processes alter surface material properties that influence fatigue life.  Many landing gear components currently in service have been overhauled or re-worked numerous times.  The effect of these processes has not been accurately quantified in existing USAF landing gear fatigue models.  As aging aircraft in the USAF fleet continue to be pushed beyond their originally designed service life, it has become increasingly more critical to develop fatigue analysis methods that characterize specific surface processing conditions. To address these issues, Select Engineering Services (SES) is developing the Material Assessment and Predictive Analysis (MAPA) tool. The MAPA tool integrates with current fatigue analysis software/procedures and provides for accurate predictions of the fatigue life reduction associated with landing gear material surface treatments. The current MAPA prototype is designed to function as a setup and execution tool for fatigue life simulations to bridge the gap between FEA software (e.g., Ansys) and the HBK Prenscia nCode DesignLife solver. Positive outcomes resulting from MAPA tool use include increased accuracy in fatigue life predictions, reduced risk in service life extensions for aging aircraft landing gear components, and the potential for improvements to overhaul processes that will reduce their negative impact on fatigue life.

* Information listed above is at the time of submission. *

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