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SBIR Phase II:Interactive video based Contextual & Dynamic Application Access

Award Information
Agency: National Science Foundation
Branch: N/A
Contract: 1026539
Agency Tracking Number: 0912527
Amount: $499,980.00
Phase: Phase II
Program: SBIR
Solicitation Topic Code: SS
Solicitation Number: NSF 08-548
Solicitation Year: 2010
Award Year: 2010
Award Start Date (Proposal Award Date): N/A
Award End Date (Contract End Date): N/A
Small Business Information
3101 Hoffman Dr
Plano, TX 75025
United States
DUNS: 828893920
HUBZone Owned: No
Woman Owned: No
Socially and Economically Disadvantaged: No
Principal Investigator
 Syed Abbas
 (972) 898-4358
Business Contact
 Syed Abbas
Phone: (972) 898-4358
Research Institution

This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will address a significant problem for Video Publishers: How to enhance the monetization of online video content. Online video is more than doubling in consumption year over year (31 billion views in November 2009). However, it is believed that the video publishers are not able to fully capitalize on this massive online video trend because they are using a single source revenue model via Pre-, Mid- and Post-Roll advertising that has limited revenue opportunity, declining prices, and negative viewer experiences. 2Cimple is developing a solution, an Interactive Video Applications Platform that has the potential to increase a publisher's online video revenue. This platform, dynamically associates and pushes relevant interactive video applications to consumers while providing a "user-controlled" opt-in environment that results in a higher degree of viewer experience and engagement. The platform is built on flexible and scalable client-server architecture based on industry-standard technology components. The technology uniqueness includes a dynamically configurable Video Player, an application server capable of automatic video context detection and dynamic application insertion, an open application development platform, integrated video and application analytics, customized reports, and a simplified management system.
If successful, the platform has commercialization potential that introduces efficiency into the online video value chain by increasing revenue for publishers, optimizing budgets for sponsors, and providing a higher degree of engagement and enhanced viewing experience for consumers. This platform will enable a new web-based eco-system built around online video that will spur advancements and innovation in video and software technologies and provide economical benefits to all participants. The platform provides a brand new engagement model enabling "user-controlled" contextually relevant, dynamically-inserted, call-to-action applications and other rich media experiences.

* Information listed above is at the time of submission. *

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