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Company Information
# of Employees: 162
Ownership Information
HUBZone Owned: No
Socially and Economically Disadvantaged: No
Woman Owned: No
Award Charts
Award Listing
Data Science Driven Aircrew Performance Measurement and Proficiency System
Amount: $1,732,465.00The objective of this SBIR Phase II is to apply the research that was conducted during SBIR Phase I to develop a software solution that consolidates performance data from multiple sources to ensure th ...
SBIRPhase II2019Department of Defense Navy -
Data Science Driven Aircrew Performance Measurement and Proficiency System
Amount: $124,372.00The objective of this proposal is to design a software solution that consolidates performance data from multiple sources to ensure that data collection and assessment processes are accurate, efficient ...
SBIRPhase I2018Department of Defense Navy