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Award Data

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The Award database is continually updated throughout the year. As a result, data for FY24 is not expected to be complete until March, 2025.

Download all award data either with award abstracts (290MB) or without award abstracts (65MB). A data dictionary and additional information is located on the Data Resource Page. Files are refreshed monthly.

The award data files now contain the required fields to calculate award timeliness for individual awards or for an agency or branch. Additional information on calculating award timeliness is available on the Data Resource Page.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 207731 results
  1. Open Call for Innovative Defense-Related Dual-Purpose Technologies/Solutions with a Clear Air Force Stakeholder Need

    SBC: HEDRON SPACE INC.            Topic: AF183005

    Analytical Space is developing a LEO-based hybrid RF-optical data-relay network to augment satellite communications capabilities. Such a network would increase the amount of remote sensing data that can be offloaded and reduce latency from image acquisition to terrestrial reception and analysis. It accomplishes this by forwarding the data through a relay network of ASI satellites for downlink to a ...

    SBIR Phase II 2019 Department of DefenseAir Force
  2. Cybernetic Training for Autonomous Robots- Human Augmentation via Generalizable Mobile autonomous Robot Dexterity (C-H)

    SBC: SARCOS GROUP LC            Topic: AF193CSO1

    The Sarcos Cybernetic Training for Autonomous Robots - Human Augmentation via Generalizable Mobile Autonomous Robot Dexterity (C-H) program is a second Air Force SBIR Phase II. C-H advances Sarcos’ vision of leveraging the expertise of competent task perf

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of DefenseAir Force
  3. ARES UAS Demonstrator Vehicle / Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Generation System Transformative Vertical Lift

    SBC: PIASECKI AIRCRAFT CORP            Topic: AF211DCSO1

    The technology solution under the subject Phase II SBIR is a Flight Control System (FCS) for a tilt-duct vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) air vehicle. The system is based on a commercial off the shelf (COTS) compact fly by wire (cFBW) triplex FCS and i

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of DefenseAir Force
  4. Pison ENDER System: Effectively Navigating Drones for Enhanced Reconnaissance

    SBC: PISON TECHNOLOGY INC            Topic: AF191005

    Pison is a human performance optimization company providing a wearable neuromuscular sensor that enables gesture-based control for electronic devices. Our interface platform can be integrated with existing systems for drone navigation and operational task-management. We are creating new capabilities for operators to point and select drone units in-air (physical or virtual), receive confirmation of ...

    SBIR Phase II 2019 Department of DefenseAir Force
  5. Air Launch Testbed for Endoatmospheric Hypersonic Trajectories


    The scope of this work includes design, analysis, manufacturing, integration, and test of the GO1 hypersonic flight test platform. The Contractor shall complete design of the system, qualify the system for flight through ground testing, and validate the f

    SBIR Phase II 2017 Department of DefenseAir Force
  6. FA8614-23-9-0008 Archer Aviation

    SBC: ARCHER AVIATION INC            Topic: AFX20DTCSO1

    Archer is pleased to share our technical Flight Test and Certification data, our mobile flight simulator, up to four Aircraft for the Air Force to perform ConOps, other development projects, and partner on developing and performing training on the Archer

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of DefenseAir Force
  7. eSTOL Aircraft Rapid Development, Prototyping, Test, and Evaluation

    SBC: ELECTRA.AERO INC.            Topic: AF203DCSO1

    Driven by the latest strategy directives – including the SECAF’s Operational Imperatives, USAF Chief of Staff’s Agile Combat Employment (ACE) doctrine, and USAF Operational Energy goals – the USAF has clearly articulated requirements for tactical logistic

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of DefenseAir Force
  8. Economical Reentry Capsules for Hypersonic Testing

    SBC: VARDA SPACE INDUSTRIES, INC.            Topic: AF212DCSO1

    Although hypersonic vehicles have been built since the late 1950s, this flight regime remains poorly understood. The inability to properly simulate hypersonic flows leads to significant design uncertainties, high program costs, put crews at risk, and occa

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of DefenseAir Force
  9. Direct to Phase II Open Topic: Open Call for Innovative Defense-Related Dual-Purpose Technologies/Solutions with a Clear Air Force Stakeholder Need

    SBC: MERLIN LABS INC            Topic: AF192D001

    Apollo is building a cloud-based operating system that enables traditionally manned aircraft to fly unmanned and autonomously in a variety of airspace, and from nearly any airport. Apollo leverages edge computing and artificial intelligence to provide an innovative, software-first approach to aircraft autonomy. Apollo’s technology has substantial commercial application and we are currently ...

    SBIR Phase II 2019 Department of DefenseAir Force

    SBC: SIMBA CHAIN INC            Topic: AF192001

    The STRATFI Earth 616 project will create a proof of concept secure Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) based environment to provide near real-time visibility and traceability, along with associated securing of digital assets, for parts and data from an i

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of DefenseAir Force
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