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Award Data
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Improved Performance of Morphing Shape Memory Polymer Skins
SBC: ADA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Topic: AF093127Morphing air vehicles are characterized by an ability to dramatically alter their airfoil characteristics to maintain optimal aerodynamic efficiency over a broad flight regime thereby broadening their mission profile over an equivalent fixed-wing vehicle. Essential to enabling these vehicles is a wing skin that is highly compliant in-plane for wing morphing while being highly stiff out-of-plane to ...
SBIR Phase I 2010 Department of DefenseAir Force -
Advanced Anode Materials for Improved Power in Lithium-Ion Batteries
SBC: ADA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Topic: A09178Today''s military equipment has become increasingly reliant on powerful and sophisticated electronic components that require a wide range of batteries providing: high energy and power per unit mass and volume, operation in a wide range of temperatures, long storage life, and safety. Hence, the Army has migrated to the use of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries with significantly reduced weight as compa ...
SBIR Phase I 2010 Department of DefenseArmy -
Advanced Composite Materials for Submarine Hatches
SBC: ADA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Topic: N101065U.S. Navy submarine and submersible vessels incorporate numerous unique and high performance structural components. To meet their challenging mission requirements, these components must meet substantial performance requirements including resistance to considerable depth pressure, seawater corrosion and other unique U.S. Navy performance requirements. One such structural component is the watertight ...
SBIR Phase I 2010 Department of DefenseNavy -
A Low-Cost Upper-Extremity Prosthetic Interface
SBC: ADA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Topic: NICHDDESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Remarkable advances in signal processing techniques, materials sciences, battery technologies, and computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) processes have led to significant developments in assistive technologies. Coordinated research and commercialization have dramatically increased prosthetic function, utility, personalization, comfort ...
SBIR Phase II 2010 Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health -
Improved Performance, More Producible Long Wave IR Integrated Dewar Assemblies
SBC: WILLIAM P. KUHN, PH.D., LLC Topic: MDA08019A versatile and portable instrument for stray light detection and diagnosis at both visible and infrared wavelengths will be designed, built, and demonstrated. The core idea of the proposed approach is to use subaperture, rather than full aperture, illumination for stray light detection. The subaperture approach uses a scanning pencil beam (SPB) that provides information about the location of a s ...
SBIR Phase II 2010 Department of DefenseMissile Defense Agency -
Rapid Tactics Development Using Existing, Low-Cost Virtual Environments
SBC: Adaptive Cognitive Systems Topic: N08117A tremendous need exists for intelligent agents that can be created and edited without resorting to intensive knowledge engineering and programming, and which exhibit believable and variable behavior in the training contexts in which they are deployed. This proposal describes a novel method for creating and editing intelligent agents’ behavior based on using instance-based modelin ...
SBIR Phase II 2010 Department of DefenseNavy -
Weld Penetration Monitoring and Feedback Control in Submerged Arc Welding
SBC: ADAPTIVE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Topic: N093210This SBIR project aims at the development of an innovative technology that can be attached to existing submerged arc welding (SAW) systems to monitor and feedback control the depth of weld penetration. Existing SAW systems will be operated using existing welding procedures without modifications. In many applications skilled welders may adjust the welding parameters based on their observation of dy ...
SBIR Phase I 2010 Department of DefenseNavy -
Highly Integrated, Highly Efficient Fuel Reformer/Fuel Cell System
SBC: ADAPTIVE MATERIALS, INC. Topic: N101033At the completion of all the phases of SBIR topic N101-033, Highly Integrated Highly Efficient Fuel Reformer/Fuel Cell System, Adaptive Materials will provide a highly integrated, highly efficient Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) system that will be fueled by JP-5 without external reforming suited for naval aviation applications, specifically prime propulsion power for smaller unmanned aerial systems. ...
SBIR Phase I 2010 Department of DefenseNavy -
Tactical Power Analysis and Development for Distributed Operations Squad
SBC: ADAPTIVE MATERIALS, INC. Topic: N07160Company Commanders looking to effectively employ renewable energy systems need a planning tool to ensure that the impact of renewable energies is positive on company operations. With the development of a suitable software application and standard operating procedures renewable energy technologies can offer Commanders significant battlefield advantages. Adaptive Materials developed a software appli ...
SBIR Phase II 2010 Department of DefenseNavy -
Distributed Multi-Layer Data Fusion
SBC: ADAPTIVE METHODS, INC. Topic: N08057Over the last decade developments in ASW sensor systems has greatly increased the number and quality of the sensor systems deployed thus increasing the volume of data to be assessed by orders of magnitude. Data fusion concepts have been employed to help reduce the operator workload and provide decision support tools. These data fusion capabilities have focused on organic sensor track and feature d ...
SBIR Phase II 2010 Department of DefenseNavy