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The Award database is continually updated throughout the year. As a result, data for FY24 is not expected to be complete until March, 2025.

Download all award data either with award abstracts (290MB) or without award abstracts (65MB). A data dictionary and additional information is located on the Data Resource Page. Files are refreshed monthly.

The award data files now contain the required fields to calculate award timeliness for individual awards or for an agency or branch. Additional information on calculating award timeliness is available on the Data Resource Page.

Displaying 81 - 90 of 207731 results
  1. SBIR Phase I: Delivering Confidence and Reliability in Thermal Batteries for Utilities Using an Aggressively Cycled Test Loop for Pumps, Pipes, Joints and Valves


    The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is focused on developing an energy storage technology that stores electricity as heat and converts its back to electricity whenever needed using thermophotovoltaics (TPV). If successful, the innovation will help transition the United States (US) towards a fully renewable electrical grid. The c ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  2. SBIR Phase II:Developing scale-up manufacturing of engineered waste coal ash based lightweight aggregate for concrete applications

    SBC: SUSMAX INC            Topic: ET

    The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project seeks to increase the accessibility of construction lightweight aggregate (LWA) for the concrete industry using a thermodynamics-guided technology to locally produce a cost-effective and engineered LWA from waste coal combustion ash (W-CCA). The traditional LWA manufacturers are only available in few l ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 National Science Foundation
  3. STTR Phase I:Snapshot, on-machine metrology system for high-precision optical manufacturing

    SBC: LIGHT RESEARCH INC.            Topic: M

    The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project advances precision manufacturing. The on-machine metrology system will have a transformative effect on highly efficient and precise optical manufacturing, additive manufacturing, and precision machining. These industries currently face a shared technical challenge: the lack of real-time quality control ...

    STTR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  4. Development of polymeric synthetic biomaterial IP-001 to potentiate asystemic immunotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma via thermal ablation

    SBC: IMMUNOPHOTONICS INC            Topic: 102

    Abstract: Immunophotonics is a biotech company developing a synthetic biopolymer, IP-001, to potentiate a systemic immunotherapy via microwave (MWA) thermal tumor ablation for treatment of Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The goal of this SBIR Fast Track is to complete preclinical safety and efficacy testing to support an investigational new drug (IND) application based on the feedback from a meeti ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health
  5. Improving physical function and quality of life in older adults with prediabetes utilizing interactive small-group resistance training through video conference technology

    SBC: IMPACTIV, INC.            Topic: NIA

    Vivo is a virtual small group exercise program designed for adults 55 and over that is unique in the increasingly popular digital fitness market. Vivo offers 3 key market differentiators: 1) a personalized and individualized live training experience with feedback from a certified trainer, 2) a community of older adult exercisers which enhances motivation and social support, and increase accountabi ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health
  6. Advancing next-generation sequencing for optimization of rAAV production

    SBC: BIOINFOEXPERTS LLC            Topic: FDA

    1 BioInfoExperts develops pathogen-associated next-generation sequencing (NGS) analytics and software for a2 growing number of industries that require genome characterization. In the proposed SBIR Phase I project, we3 will develop NGS analytics for the recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAVs) manufacturing industry; in4 Phase II, we will incorporate the NGS analytics into a a software-as-a-ser ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Health and Human ServicesFood and Drug Administration
  7. SBIR Phase I:A Technology-Enhanced Statistics Learning Software App


    The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is in the development of an immersive, game-based, learning app to help teach statistics in an engaging way to middle and high school students.Designed as a classroom resource, the app is aimed at providing a mechanism to promote statistical thinking. The app will integrate research activities into the ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  8. SBIR Phase I:A unique aerogel-based separator technology for safety and ultrafast charging of batteries

    SBC: NEXT-ION ENERGY, INC.            Topic: M

    The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will improve battery market and contribute towards the shift to affordable and clean energy solutions. The company’s novel aerogel membrane separator exhibits performance characteristics that address the major limitations of existing batteries. The enhanced durability and stability provided by the membrane make ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  9. SBIR Phase I:Accelerated carbon sequestration

    SBC: Earthen Carbon LLC            Topic: ET

    This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project seeks to develop novel soil organic matter (SOM) amendment techniques focused on improving nutrient supply to crops, sustaining agriculture, and providing long-term, deep soil carbon sequestration to help combat climate change. New methods of developing persistent organic matter amendments in soil are urgently needed in the US and glob ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  10. SBIR Phase I:Ammonia and Syngas Impurity Tolerance for High Temperature- Proton Exchange Membrane (HT-PEM) Fuel Cells

    SBC: FALCON FUEL CELLS INC            Topic: EN

    The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project is the development of a fuel-flexible, high-temperature proton exchange membrane (HT-PEM) fuel cell that can operate on two carbon-free fuels: ammonia and syngas, both produced from waste biomass. The fuel-flexible HT-PEM fuel cell is uniquely suited for rapid adoption as a complete system that can r ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
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