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Award Data

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The Award database is continually updated throughout the year. As a result, data for FY24 is not expected to be complete until March, 2025.

Download all award data either with award abstracts (290MB) or without award abstracts (65MB). A data dictionary and additional information is located on the Data Resource Page. Files are refreshed monthly.

The award data files now contain the required fields to calculate award timeliness for individual awards or for an agency or branch. Additional information on calculating award timeliness is available on the Data Resource Page.

Displaying 81 - 90 of 207731 results
  1. MATCH (Multimodal AcousTic Characterization of Hoax calls) a System for Hoax Maritime Distress Call Detection

    SBC: VADUM INC            Topic: DHS221001

    Vadum will continue improving MATCH (Multimodal AcousTic Characterization of Hoax calls), an innovative machine learning system that automatically monitors maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) VHF channel(s).Vadum showed feasibility for the system and developed key components in a six-month Phase I effort.In Phase II, Vadum will further develop and refine MATCH into a real-time prototype that continuo ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of Homeland Security
  2. FACT: Fast and Accurate Detection of Counterfeit Microelectronics

    SBC: CASPIA TECHNOLOGIES LLC            Topic: DHS221003

    As outsourced microelectronic manufacturing grows, the safety and security of U.S. consumers becomes increasingly threatened by potential counterfeit electronics. Current counterfeit inspection techniques are labor intensive, time consuming, and impractical to use by field agents located on remote sites, away from major facilities, and with limited expertise. The proposed work, Fast and Accurate D ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of Homeland Security
  3. Broadband Push-to-talk Interoperability Platform (SBIR DHS221-004)


    Broadband Push-to-Talk (PTT) services are offered by a diverse group of vendors and are being used on multiple cellular carriers in the US and internationally. These PTT services provide important communications tools for the first responder community during public safety incidents and events. U.S. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial (SLTT) governments are using different PTT services which can ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of Homeland Security
  4. Applying Machine Learning Techniques for Sensitive Spectral Identification and Detection of Hazardous Target Molecules

    SBC: Caelum Research Corporation            Topic: DHS221005

    Our team has conducted a Phase 1 feasibility analysis of developing an Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform to augment and integrate into currently available biological aerosolized detectors in support of DHS and its BioWatchProgram.The BioWatch program was stood up in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2003.The program currently operates in more than 30 metropolitan jurisdictions and p ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of Homeland Security
  5. A Step Towards Agent Agnostic Detection of Biological Hazards


    This SBIR Phase II project proposes development of deep learning-based algorithms and software system that can identify biological and chemical threats at both functional and structural level from portal-based spectral measurements with high specificity and sensitivity. The proposed solution leverages recent advancements in the areas of chemical fingerprinting, latent representation learning, chem ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of Homeland Security
  6. Handheld Immobile Traveler Screening Tool

    SBC: SPECTRAL LABS INCORPORATED            Topic: DHS221006

    Check point screening of passengers is key to mitigating threats to aviation. This essential mission must be performed while expediting traffic flow and without discrimination to elderly or disabled travelers.The screening mission is challenged by the inaccessibility of Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) and metal detector walk-through portals to travelers with mobility disabilities and certain med ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of Homeland Security
  7. Artificial Intelligence Enabled Screening for Limited Mobility Passengers using Advanced Imaging Technologies

    SBC: Analytical AI, LLC            Topic: DHS221006

    The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) operates security screening for all air passengers of outgoing aircraft. The Air Carrier Access Act of 1986 (ACAA) ensured access to air travel for passengers with disabilities, including mandating equal or similar treatment in the screening process. This ACAA requirement comports with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which prohibits discri ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of Homeland Security
  8. Yotta Tag System

    SBC: YOTTA NAVIGATION CORP            Topic: DHS221007

    Yotta Navigation proposes to develop a Mass Fatality Tracking System (MFTS) tagging device to aid search and recovery teams in locating victim remains during a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI). The Phase II effort will provide the DHS stakeholders with two sets of prototype Yotta Tag devices, complete with the supporting cloud-based database and User Interface (UI) applications. The first set of 10 pr ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of Homeland Security
  9. An Optimization-Based Design Ecosystem Targeting Performance, Reliability, and Stability of Photovoltaic Modules in Solar Energy Market

    SBC: OSAZDA ENERGY LLC            Topic: C5501b

    Our goal is to develop a first-of-its-kind, commercial, model-based design tool to enable digital engineering of solar cells and modules. We will leverage and adapt Plato1 – an open-source2 software developed at Sandia National Laboratories to support multidisciplinary design, analysis, and optimization in high performance computing environments – to accelerate software development proposed he ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy
  10. Compact, Large Solid Angle Coverage Neutron Diffractometer

    SBC: RADIATION MONITORING DEVICES, INC.            Topic: C5511b

    Current single-crystal neutron diffractometers have performed remarkably well and have contributed significantly to the research of structural problems in diverse areas including chemistry, earth sciences, materials science, engineering, and solid-state physics. The current instruments, however, are associated with three main issues: 1) lack of portability due to complexity of detector arrangement ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy
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