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Award Data

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The Award database is continually updated throughout the year. As a result, data for FY24 is not expected to be complete until March, 2025.

Download all award data either with award abstracts (290MB) or without award abstracts (65MB). A data dictionary and additional information is located on the Data Resource Page. Files are refreshed monthly.

The award data files now contain the required fields to calculate award timeliness for individual awards or for an agency or branch. Additional information on calculating award timeliness is available on the Data Resource Page.

Displaying 51 - 60 of 207731 results
  1. SBIR Phase II:Real-time computer automated identification and quantification of insects entering the SolaRid insect control device (ICD)

    SBC: SolaRid AR, LLC.            Topic: BT

    The broader impacts of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project include an artificial intelligence technology designed to detect, identify, and determine levels of insect infestations in fields, providing a comprehensive decision support system in real-time.More efficient and precise insect monitoring would result in reduced chemical insecticide use by increasing the specifi ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 National Science Foundation
  2. SBIR Phase II:Resilience for Waterfront Infrastructure

    SBC: NATRX INC            Topic: ET

    The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to drive restoration and preservation of coastal wetlands by unlocking their ecosystem value. Many coastal communities are underserved and do not have resources to adapt to increasing risks from erosion, storms, and sea level rise. Enhanced coastal resilience and restoration promotes biodiversity, w ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 National Science Foundation

    SBC: US AIR TECH CORP.            Topic: W

    The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to develop a full satellite communication (satcom) terminal commonly known as VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) for fixed and mobile platforms such as residences, manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, and maritime crafts. This novel satellite communication antenna can be used for Low, Med ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 National Science Foundation
  4. STTR Phase I: A Novel Biorational Approach to Curing Honey Bees

    SBC: BEEKEEPING 101 LLC            Topic: BT

    The broader impact of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project is to enhance honey bee health and hence crop production through the development of a biological treatment for Varroa destructor mite, the greatest single cause of honey bee decline. All honey bee colonies in the U.S. (greater than2.5 million) are infested with parasitic Varroa destructor mites which cause devasta ...

    STTR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  5. STTR Phase II:Scalable CO2 electrolyzers for the competitive carbon negative production of formic acid

    SBC: RENEWCO2 INC.            Topic: CT

    The broader impact of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project is the development of an electrocatalytic formic acid production process directly from carbon dioxide (CO2) and electricity. This process will mitigate greenhouse gas emissions while producing formic acid, currently used in agriculture for silage preservation, leather tanning, and the chemical industry. The econo ...

    STTR Phase II 2023 National Science Foundation
  6. STTR Phase II:Development of a Smart Remote Health Management System for Patients with Kidney Disease

    SBC: AIDAR HEALTH INC            Topic: DH

    The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project is to develop a novel technology for the early detection of complications and effective management of kidney disease at home. More than 37 million patients in the US have chronic kidney disease, which is associated with increased mortality and morbidity, including a greater risk of cardiovasc ...

    STTR Phase II 2023 National Science Foundation
  7. STTR Phase II:Body fluid identification for forensic purposes using Raman spectroscopy

    SBC: SUPREMETRIC LLC            Topic: IH

    This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project contributes to broader societal and commercial impacts by enabling crime labs to better utilize overstretched resources by ensuring only relevant crime scene samples undergo DNA analysis. Currently, the large number of irrelevant samples submitted for testing contributes to a massive backlog that clogs up crime lab workflows and delay ...

    STTR Phase II 2023 National Science Foundation
  8. STTR Phase II:Stem Cell Delivery in Microscopic Hydrogel Droplets for Faster and More Complete Healing of Equine Tendon and Ligament Injuries

    SBC: CellDrop Inc            Topic: PT

    The broader impact of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project involves continued development of technology to extend the therapeutic window of cell-based tissue regeneration therapies. This technology could significantly enhance the scientific understanding of cellular therapies and enable the healing of injuries more rapidly and less invasively than current techniques. A s ...

    STTR Phase II 2023 National Science Foundation
  9. The Assessment of Smart Phone Everyday Tasks (ASSET): A new IADL test for early AD

    SBC: RIP ROAD, INC.            Topic: NIA

    Project SummaryImpairment in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia and a major source of patient and caregiver burden. Similarly to cognitive changes in AD, subtle difficulties in IADL may begin even before the stage of amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Recently, greater emphasis has been placed on preclinical AD, which consists ...

    STTR Phase II 2023 Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health
  10. Small Molecule MYC Degraders as Novel Cancer Therapeutic Agents

    SBC: Stemsynergy Therapeutic            Topic: 102

    PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT The MYC family proteins are comprised of three paralogs termed c-myc, N-myc, and L-myc. The MYC proteins play a fundamental role in cell proliferation and oncogenesis by regulating cellular processes such as gene transcription, protein translation, cell cycle progression, and cell death. While N-myc and L-myc drive oncogenesis in a small number of cancer types, the require ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health
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