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Award Data

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The Award database is continually updated throughout the year. As a result, data for FY24 is not expected to be complete until March, 2025.

Download all award data either with award abstracts (290MB) or without award abstracts (65MB). A data dictionary and additional information is located on the Data Resource Page. Files are refreshed monthly.

The award data files now contain the required fields to calculate award timeliness for individual awards or for an agency or branch. Additional information on calculating award timeliness is available on the Data Resource Page.

Displaying 31 - 40 of 207731 results
  1. STTR Phase I:Innovative Expandable Dental Sealer

    SBC: AFSARTECH INC.            Topic: BM

    The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project is in developing a novel dental sealer technology for root canal treatments for endodontists and general dentists. The complex and inaccessible nature of the root canal system causes 65% of root canal fillings to fail. Expandable dental sealers used during root canal treatments provide an effe ...

    STTR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  2. STTR Phase I: Patient-Specific System for Early Detection and Identification of Epileptic Seizures

    SBC: AI-NEOTECH LLC            Topic: BT

    The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project is to provide epileptic patients, and their caregivers a smart system that can predict seizures before they occur.There are more than 3 million adults and 1 million children in the US, and more than 50 million people worldwide, suffering from epilepsy.Repeated and unpredictable seizures signif ...

    STTR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  3. Development and Commercialization of a New Molecularly Targeted Imaging Agent for Multiple Myeloma

    SBC: Sarya, LLC            Topic: 102

    PROJECT SUMMARY Sarya LLC (Sarya) is a nuclear medicine technology company formed to commercialize radiopharmaceuticals. The goal of this Fast-Track STTR is to develop a new specific imaging agent for diagnosis, staging, and treatment of the hematological cancer, multiple myeloma (MM). MM is the 2nd most common blood cancer with an estimated 32,000 new cases and 13,000 deaths per year. Accurate de ...

    STTR Phase II 2023 Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health
  4. SBIR Phase I:Artificial Intelligence and Network Theory for Elections

    SBC: Kcore Analytics LLC            Topic: AI

    The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project promotes and enhances transparency in the democratic process. It accomplishes this by developing a social awareness system that can detect, understand, and predict opinion trends within a democratic society. Through the development of cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, the project con ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  5. SBIR Phase I:Design and Development of Minimally-Invasive Orthopedic Fracture Fixation Using Intramedullary Sleeve and Injectable, Light-Triggered Bone Cement

    SBC: MEDICARBONE, INC.            Topic: BM

    The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses the current challenges associated with an increase in the incidence of orthopedic injuries and surgeries.The technology will stabilize and repair broken bones in the US and globally. Trauma, degenerative bone diseases, and bone tumors often result in broken bones that require a proce ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  6. SBIR Phase I:Development of an ultra-low-cost distributed wind turbine

    SBC: WINDWARD ENGINEERING, L.C.            Topic: EN

    The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to address the declining U.S. distributed wind turbine (DWT) market and support the transition to renewable energy sources. The DWT market has experienced a decline since 2012, mostly due to low reliability and high levelized cost of energy. However, the deployment of DWTs is crucial to m ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  7. SBIR Phase I:Regolith size sorting technology for space resource utilization

    SBC: Interlune Corporation            Topic: SP

    The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to develop a core enabling technology for lunar in situ resource utilization: the ability to sort “Moon dirt” (lunar regolith) by particle size. Size sorting is an important capability for nearly all in situ resource utilization activities that use lunar regolith as a feedstock material ...

    SBIR Phase I 2023 National Science Foundation
  8. SBIR Phase II:A Digital Platform That Engages Elementary Aged Girls in STEM Through Personalized Informal Learning

    SBC: SMART GIRLS HQ LLC            Topic: LC

    The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is an increase in the representation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) employment areas, enabling the US to meet the increasing demand for STEM workers and maintain competitiveness in the global innovation community. The factors contributing to the underrepresentation of gir ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 National Science Foundation
  9. SBIR Phase II:A Platform for Health Care Data Integration Using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence

    SBC: EMTRUTH, INC.            Topic: DL

    The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to provide the personal healthcare data needed to improve the patient’s outcome and experience]. Because healthcare data is protected, a secure way of sharing the right data, with the right people, at the right time is needed. Currently, attempts to harmonize data from many systems, and ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 National Science Foundation
  10. SBIR Phase II:Accelerating RandD through Streamlined Machine Learning Algorithms for Small Data Applications in Advanced Manufacturing

    SBC: SUNTHETICS, INC.            Topic: M

    The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will improve and accelerate the development of new chemicals, processes, and formulations in the pharmaceutical industry. By harnessing the power of machine learning (ML), this project aims to save time and resources by up to 95%, while reducing waste generation, thereby enhancing the commercial and so ...

    SBIR Phase II 2023 National Science Foundation
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