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Award Data

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The Award database is continually updated throughout the year. As a result, data for FY24 is not expected to be complete until March, 2025.

Download all award data either with award abstracts (290MB) or without award abstracts (65MB). A data dictionary and additional information is located on the Data Resource Page. Files are refreshed monthly.

The award data files now contain the required fields to calculate award timeliness for individual awards or for an agency or branch. Additional information on calculating award timeliness is available on the Data Resource Page.

Displaying 207731 - 207731 of 207731 results
  1. GOES Data Collection Platform with Interrogate Capability

    SBC: Sutron Corporation            Topic: 8311

    The GOES DCP Command Receiver

    SBIR Phase II 2007 Department of Commerce
US Flag An Official Website of the United States Government