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Award Data
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Non-contact, low-cost, stage and velocity sensors for monitoring urban streamflow
SBC: SUBSURFACE INSIGHTS LLC Topic: C5516bHalf of the world’s population lives in urban watersheds. In order to predict how these watersheds will behave under current and future weather dynamics (e.g. if , how and where flooding would occur due to intense rainfall), we need dense measurements of river stage and river velocity. Current instruments are too expensive to deploy in the quantities needed to provide these dense measurements. A ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Extended SWIR Single Photon Avalanche Photo Detector Technology for Bioimaging
SBC: AMETHYST RESEARCH INC Topic: C5519bThere are two principal technical limitations and challenges associated with bioimaging. First, depth imaging is limited by light scattering and diffraction in biological tissue. Second, classical high flux multiphoton optical imaging causes photo-damage to cellular viability and perturbations to molecular biological processes. This renders the sample unusable for repeated in situ imaging and proh ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Time Resolved Ultrafast Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy Based on 4th Generation Diffraction Gratings
SBC: BEAM ENGINEERING FOR ADVANCED MEASUREMENTS CO. Topic: C5509aCircular dichroism and its temporal evolution is critical in understanding conformational dynamics of biomolecules, chemical reactions, and the electronic structure of quantum materials. In the emerging fields of quantum computing and spintronics, chiral phenomena such as electron spin can be exploited leading to advances in data storage and transfer efficiency, cryptography, computational biology ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Rad-Hard High-Dynamic-Range TEM Direct Detector
SBC: DIRECT ELECTRON, L.P. Topic: C5518aC55-18a-270598Although direct detection technology delivers substantially better image quality for transmission electron microscopy (TEM), its limited dynamic range and radiation sensitivity generally preclude its use for a variety of TEM applications. At present, direct detection is well-suited for biological cryo-EM, where illumination is relatively uniform and the electron exposure rate is limi ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Direct Real-Time GPU Access for Ultra-Fast Electron Microscopy Data
SBC: DIRECT ELECTRON, L.P. Topic: C5510aC55-10a-270599High-speed direct detection cameras have enabled a variety of experiments to probe structural dynamics in response to various stimuli. As microscope stages improve, it will become possible to capture these dynamics in three dimensions (3D) by repeatedly acquiring rapid continuous rotation tomography data. However, such data requires complex image processing to generate interpretable ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Automated STEM Distortion Correction for Arbitrary Scan Patterns
SBC: DIRECT ELECTRON, L.P. Topic: C5510bC55-10b-270600The electromagnetic coils in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) suffer from hysteresis and have a finite rise time that slows their response to desired changes in scan position. As 2D and 4D STEM detectors and scan generators continue to increase in speed, distortions in the acquired data have become increasingly evident due to these adverse characteristics of scan co ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Network Risk Assessment Toolkit (NetRAT)
SBC: PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LLC Topic: C5501bC55-01b-270620Infrastructure systems such as electricity distribution and transmission grids, transportation networks, and water or oil/gas distribution pipelines are critical from an economic and national security standpoint. Expedited risk quantification of infrastructure network systems is of utmost importance for resiliency assessment against natural or man-made hazards. Currently available te ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
SBC: VERACITY NUCLEAR, LLC Topic: C5501aNeutron and gamma radiation are critical factors in the lifetime analysis of nuclear reactor structures that includes large components, such as the reactor pressure vessel and concrete biological shield, as well as many smaller reactor components that must be replaced periodically as part of normal plant maintenance. An ongoing need with the operating reactor fleet is the performance of radiation ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
A low-cost holographic sensor for urban aerosol characterization
SBC: CLOUDSCI LLC Topic: C5516aCoarse mode aerosol are an understudied but potentially important component of urban aerosols that affect climate and human health. They are highly relevant to DOE’s interest in improving understanding and resiliency related to climate change impacts on urban areas. Coarse mode aerosol can vary spatially and temporally over urban landscapes due to the large range of coarse mode aerosol emission ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Advanced tire tread simulation through adaptive isogeometric analysis
SBC: Coreform LLC Topic: C5501bTire tread wear is the leading cause of pollution from cars - over 1000x larger than engine exhaust. Tires on electric cars wear out 20% faster on average because of increased torque and weight, so the impact of tire pollution will grow in significance as electric vehicles continue to grow in popularity. Simulation tools used for other aspects of tire and automotive design cannot accurately predic ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy