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Award Data
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Low-Cost Aerosol Size Distribution, Light Absorption, and Chemical Composition Instruments for Urban Monitoring Applications
SBC: BRECHTEL MANUFACTURING, INC. Topic: C5516aOur warming climate is amplifying environmental and human health problems in urban areas. Heat island effects, flooding, droughts, altered pollutant transport patterns, and human respiratory stress are examples of interactions between macro- and micro-climates that impact urban areas. The share of the global population living in cities is expected to rise to 80% by 2050, compared to 55% today. Emi ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Volumetric Fiber-to-Chip Mode Converters (C55-4b)
SBC: PHYSICAL SCIENCES INC. Topic: C5504bAs progress in quantum information and computation leads to various ground-breaking technologies, there is a need for developing protocols to integrate systems to form quantum networks. The largest bottleneck for quantum networking is optical loss, which reduces quantum information fidelity and occurs at the component and system- level interconnects. Developing ultra-low loss interconnects is crit ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Topic C55-14. ADVANCED SUBSURFACE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Subtopic: c. Turnkey Service to Create a Geophysical (Electrical and/or Electromagnetic Methods) Monitoring Network for Use During Carbon Storage
SBC: MICROSEISMIC INC Topic: C5513cGeologic carbon sequestration is a key element of any carbon emissions mitigation strategy. A critical element in geologic carbon sequestration is monitoring, validation and accounting for the injected CO2 volume during and after injection. Controlled Source Electro-Magnetics (CSEM) is a geophysical technique that uses variations in electrical properties of reservoir rocks to map their fluid varia ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Multiphysics Motor Design Software Package Using MFEM
SBC: IERUS TECHNOLOGIES INC Topic: C5501bC55-01b-270447-AbstractAs device designs become more complex and incorporate new, advanced technologies and materials, accurate simulations of multi-physics phenomenology become critical to ensuring that such design and analysis efforts are successful. The diversity of problems of interest to the Department of Energy (DOE) and wider audiences includes examples such as electric motor/generator desi ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
High average current and high voltage reliable and stable power supplies for high current electron beam sources
SBC: INNOSYS, INC. Topic: C5523cPhotoinjectors need very high voltage power supplies. There is a need for very high voltage power supplies that can be used for high voltage DC electron guns for accelerator applications. In particular, there are needs for developing a family of high average current and high voltage reliable and stable power supplies for electron beam sources and photoinjectors InnoSys proposes to perform fundamen ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Supporting Sparse Data in HDF5
SBC: LIFEBOAT LLC Topic: C5501aSparse data is common in many scientific disciplines. Examples include large-scale simulations of physical phenomena, High Energy Physics experiments, machine learning applications, and many more. Acquired data is stored in a scientific data format that became a de facto standard for data management in government, academia and industry. As the amount of data in the scientific format continues to g ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Reaction shaper: Topological and geometric toolkit for storing and analyzing heterogeneous data
SBC: GEOMETRIC DATA ANALYTICS INC. Topic: C5505aC55-05a-270492-AbstractChemical reactions are rarely performed in isolation. Most real-world applications involve chemical reaction networks in which many simultaneous chemical reactions of many species occur. Advances in high-performance computer simulations and laboratory automation provide an increasingly detailed picture of these chemical reaction networks, but the underlying representation in ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
A high-power positron converter based on a recirculated liquid metal in-vacuum target
SBC: XELERA RESEARCH LLC Topic: C5523cAn effective high power positron converter for electron Linacs is not currently available from industry. A commercial source allows the nation's research institutes to have ready access to high brightness positrons for a wealth of material science, nuclear, particle, and accelerator physics projects. Improving the efficiency of the converter target will allow these projects to proceed without in-h ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Highly Efficient Low Loss Fiber-Chip Light Coupling for Quantum Networks
SBC: HIGHRI OPTICS, INC. Topic: C5504bSuperconducting and photonic qubits are the leading platforms for quantum computation, now and for the foreseeable future, and will provide essential functionality to large-scale quantum networks. To achieve this, techniques are needed to coherently convert between the microwave states used by the qubits and optical states required for long-distance communication, a conversion that needs to occur ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy -
Innovative high-volume low-cost manufacturing of conventional neutron supermirror beam guides, mirrors and filters for future large projects
SBC: AMERICAN PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY LLC Topic: C5511aIn the next 5-10 years, the planned upgrades to the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) nuclear scattering facilities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will require kilometers of new neutron supermirror beam guides, mirrors, and filters. At the same time, an even larger amount of neutron optics will be required to build the new European Spallation Source ...
SBIR Phase I 2023 Department of Energy