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Data Dictionary: Solicitation

Solicitation | Topic | Subtopic


Form Field Name API Tag File Download Field Definition Mandatory Form Field Type Accepted Value/Format
Solicitation Title solicitation_title N/A The title of the solicitation Yes Text 1-255 characters
Solicitation Number  solicitation_number N/A A unique identifier given by the agency for the solicitation


Text 0-20 characters
Program program Program "SBIR", "STTR", or “BOTH” Yes Radio "SBIR" or "STTR" without quotes
Phase phase Phase "Phase I", "Phase II", or “BOTH”  Yes Radio "1" or "2" without quotes
Agency agency Agency The agency for the solicitation information Yes Dropdown 2-4 characters
Branch branch Branch The branch for the solicitation information No Dropdown 2-4 characters
Solicitation Year solicitation_year SolicitiationYear The Fiscal year of the solicitation release Yes Numeric 4 digit year
Release Date release_date ReleaseDate The date on which the solicitation is released to the public Yes Text Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
Open Date open_date Open Date The date on which SBCs may begin submitting their proposals for the solicitation Yes Text Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
Close Date close_date CloseDate The submission deadline for the solicitation, a solicitation may have multiple due dates. Yes Text Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
Application Due Date application_due_date  N/A The date on which the solicitation will close Yes Text Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
Occurrence Number occurrence_number N/A A sequence number given to the solicitation for that agency/program/year combination No Numeric 0-1 character
N/A sbir_solicitation_link N/A SBIR Solicitation Link No Link any length
Solicitation Agency URL solicitation_agency_url SolicitationAgencyURL The link to the website where the solicitation is listed, this may be a page on the agency’s SBIR/STTR website, a page on, or another URL. Yes Text any length
N/A current_status N/A Open, Closed or Future No Link 4-6 characters
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