Keywords Search
- Description: This Method outputs Company data (from SBIR.gov database) that contain the Keyword entered.
- Example: https://www.sbir.gov/api/firm.xml?keyword=abc
- Return Types: XML, JSON
- Fields returned from the API = title, duns, address1, address2, city, state, zip, hubzone_owned, minority_owned, woman_owned
Company Name Search
- Description: This Method outputs Company data (from SBIR.gov database) that contain the Company Name entered.
- Example: https://www.sbir.gov/api/firm.xml?name=abc
- Return Types: XML, JSON
- Fields returned from the API = title, duns, address1, address2, city, state, zip, hubzone_owned, minority_owned, woman_owned
Duns Search
- Description: This Method outputs Company data (from SBIR.gov database) that contain the Duns entered.
- Example: https://www.sbir.gov/api/firm.xml?duns=123456789
- Return Types: XML, JSON
- Fields returned from the API = title, duns, address1, address2, city, state, zip, hubzone_owned, minority_owned, woman_owned
Additional Information
Rows per request:The API default response will contain a maximum of 100 rows, if your search yields more results you can paginate to the next result or increase the amount of data in the SBIR response with the rows parameter. Limit 10,000 or less.
Example: https://www.sbir.gov/api/firm.xml?rows=100
Example: https://www.sbir.gov/api/firm.xml?rows=1000
Pagination and Maneuvering through Pages:
To continue to receive the remaining portions of your search results you must enable the starting offset parameter also known as Offset-based Pagination. The pages for this API have set limits for number of records per request as mentioned above. Using the assumption that the limitation is set to 100 records below is an example of how the pagination is set for this API:
For Page 2 Example: https://www.sbir.gov/api/firm.xml?start=100
For Page 3 Example: https://www.sbir.gov/api/firm.xml?start=200
Note: The starting offset is akin to “provide me with all results after this given number of records”, and if you go off the end of the total number of pages you will no longer receive results.
Return Types:
To change the return type from the API you will need to modify the document type in the URL request.
Example: Return Type=XML
Example: Return Type= JSON
Example: Return Type=YAML
On this endpoint we currently support three basic sorting mechanisms. These selected sorts are all in descending order.
Name: https://www.sbir.gov/api/firm.xml?sort=name